Fibreglass Bitumen Roofing Shingles
Once you have decided on the log cabin you wish to purchase, it is important that the roof covering used to protect it is of a high quality material.
There are many cheap alternatives in the market but at Cabins UK we want the roofing you choose to compliment the quality of your log cabin but at the same time ensure you get them at a fair price.
With this in mind, we only sell the best quality Fiberglass Bitumen Roof Shingles available in Europe and we supply them to ALL our customers at trade price, saving up to 50% off the recommended retail price!
The roof shingles should last for approximately 20 years and not only do they enhance the protection of your log cabin but they look fantastic too!
PLEASE NOTE: Our Cabins do not come with Roof Felt as standard
Available Shingle Styles & Colours
Red Bourne | Grey Bourne | Green Bourne |
Red Hexham | Grey Hexham | Green Hexham |